Our areas of activities
Public works, civil engineeringD.
Hundreds of thousands of m² are used for road supports in many countries. Realized in a very short time, the commissioning of a BETOCONCEPT® structure is immediate, because the curing time of a traditional reinforced concrete wall (28 days) is not necessary.
BETOCONCEPT ® walls are used for railways, subways, in several countries.
Common applications:
- road and highway support
- noise barrier
- wing walls
Maritime and river supports
The achievements of BETOCONCEPT ® structures in river and maritime sites are numerous. The walls are resistant to high stress: floods, tides, strong storms, effects of frost – thaw, saline environment, boats, wrecks, tree trunks.
Some walls are under water in an earthquake zone.
Current works:
- naval docks
- river banks
- river mouths
- canals
Civil Engineering
BETOCONCEPT ® walls reinforced with geotextile layers are commonly used in civil engineering projects, in particular for the construction of load-bearing bridge abutments, mixed abutments, reinforced soil walls.
Noise protection
BETOCONCEPT ® walls make it possible to carry out soundproofing works very quickly, possibly in places inaccessible to construction machinery.
In situ tests have verified the efficiency of the structures: absorption properties, lower reflection, effective and significant reduction in decibels.
The applications are as follows:
- noise barriers
- small footprint noise barriers
- architecturally customisable projects
- specific elements produced at the request of the architects
Industrial protection
BETOCONCEPT ® walls are used in several cases of industrial protection works:
- resistance to vibration effects
- explosion-proof walls
- noise barriers
- resistance to fires and industrial pollution
Hand portable implementation, by non-specialised personnel, a team is formed in 2 hours. Construction of walls in sites inaccessible to construction machinery.
Green spaces
The BETOCONCEPT ® range allows perfect integration of structures into the environment.
The vegetated walls are covered in a very short time with plants, therefore merging with the natural ground.
The combination of naturally occurring aggregates and a split riven face, enables wall faces to look like cut stone.
Urban planning
Chosen by the architects, BETOCONCEPT ® walls improve urban space, in a sustainable environment logic.
The general public elements allow for low heights to easily create a retaining wall yourself.